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,,We sadly lost our previous rescue dog Bobby in April 2021. When we lost him, there was a huge hole in our home and we knew that we wanted another dog and for them to be a rescue.

We really struggled when we had first looked for a dog in the UK, due to our working hours, we got Bobby after months of searching! This time round despite having a clear plan to settle the dog in and someone to walk the dog during the day, no rescues had suitable dogs and so we went straight to looking to rescue from abroad.

We initially applied for another dog through MISI’s but were one of many and lost out!! They were happy for us to re-home though and showed us some of the other dogs available, we decided to pick Clara and a month later, in June 2021, a little bundle of fur was brought through our front door and placed on our rug!

I’m so glad that things worked the way we did and we ended up with Clara… she is such a joy to have as part of the family. It took a while for her to settle and decompress, with some destructive separation anxiety initially, but with work and training she has become such a good girl.

It was a learning curve for us, our previous dog was a stray but had certainly been house trained at some point. We have had to settle Clara into a house and teach her what is hers and ours, but she is so clever and works things out very quickly.

She has such a huge personality, loves to run, loves to watch squirrels and mostly likes anything involving food, mainly a trip to the coffee shop where they give her treats!! There is not a day where she doesn’t make us laugh and brighten our days. The best feeling is walking into our house and her being so excited to see us. She always wants to be the centre of our cuddles and completes our family.

Thank you MISI’s for bringing her to us!”

by Charlie L, UK


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